The Health Office at CMIS is equipped to handle minor incidents and illnesses and is staffed by a full-time registered nurse and a health officer. Students should not be sent to school if they do not feel well or if they have an infectious condition. Parents are asked to notify the Health Office promptly if their child has an infectious condition such as head lice, pinkeye, measles, or chickenpox. If a child becomes ill or is injured at school, the parents will be notified as quickly as possible. After an illness, upon returning to school, all students must report to the Health Office before returning to class.
If it is necessary for a student to take medication during the school day, both the medicine and a note from parents giving instructions for use must be given to the Health Office. Middle school and High school students can carry medication on their person if a 'Permission to carry Medication' form has been completed by a parent. The forms can be found on the school website or collected from the Health office.
CMIS requires that parents or guardians complete the Emergency Information form that is distributed to all students during the first week of classes. Any special health concerns your child has should be noted on the form, as well as specific instructions relating to administering of medications and up-to-date parent or guardian contact information. It is essential that emergency phone numbers and medical information be updated at the health office as necessary throughout the year.
Emergency procedures Every room in the school is equipped with an emergency escape route map. Students will participate in school-wide emergency escape and lockdown drills at various times throughout the year. During evacuations students will be escorted by their teachers to the Prince Royal College field and wait for instructions.