CMIS believes that all students can practice self-awareness, social awareness, and self-management. Therefore, students are expected to behave appropriately at school and at school sponsored activities in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Students who fail to behave appropriately may be subject to one or more of the following consequences at the discretion of the teacher or administrator involved:
- A verbal warning
- Recess/morning break/lunch detention
- Parent call
- Parent meeting
- A behavior reflection or contract
- In school suspension (ISS)
- Sent home for the remainder of the day, including after school activities
- Out-of-school suspension (OSS)
- Permanent removal from school
Parents/guardians shall be notified of any consequence imposed on a student that is more severe than a recess/morning break/lunch detention. Notice may be by telephone, email sent to the primary email address as listed in the school files, or in-person. All infractions reported to the Administration will be recorded in the student's records database for future reference.
CMIS uses the “Response to Intervention” model and believes that we should treat all students as individuals. Behaviors that violate the code of conduct will be evaluated by teachers, and administrators through the “Response to Intervention” model. Students who consistently violate the code of conduct may be placed on a behavior contract. Students who are put on a behavior contract will meet with administrators, counselors, and their parents to outline the terms of the probation. Violation of a behavior contract can result in expulsion from CMIS.
Protocol for out-of-school suspension:
The principal will meet with the student and the student’s parent/guardian before imposing out-of-school suspension or long term removal from school. However, if the nature of the infraction or the safety of the student or others dictates, the principal or superintendent (at his/her discretion) may remove a student from school immediately. In such cases, a meeting with the student’s parent or guardian will take place as soon as possible. Students must meet with a school counselor before being readmitted to the school community.
Appeals for out-of-school suspension:
The student must be given an opportunity to express his/her side of the incident, know the evidence being used, and have a chance to present his/her own evidence before any consequence is imposed. A student may appeal any out-of-school suspension to the superintendent within 24 hours of the suspension decision.