Educational excellence in a caring Christian community that respects and celebrates diversity

Acceptable Use Policies - IAUP and EAUP

These policies apply to all CMIS students, staff (including temporary staff), visitors, contractors, and guests of the school and to those using CMIS' IT resources. For the purposes of this document the ‘Internet’ is defined as: any service that transmits or uses information over computer networks. CMIS email accounts are those that fall under the and domains.

Any use of these resources deemed inconsistent with the mission and purpose of the school will be considered a violation of this policy. This policy should be considered part of the Conditions of Use for Computers and Networks at CMIS.

General Expectations

Student use of the Internet and email is permitted and encouraged where such use supports the goals and objectives of the school. Use of the Internet and email may be monitored for security and network management reasons. Users may also be subject to limitations on their use of such resources.

With respect to privacy and protection, students and staff will:

  • Utilize email and Internet to support their learning at CMIS. (The distribution of any information through the CMIS' network is subject to the scrutiny of the school. The school reserves the right to determine the suitability of this information.)
  • Use the Internet and email with respect and accordance to Thai law. (The use of computing resources is subject to Thai law and any illegal use will be dealt with appropriately. For example, the police have a right of access to recorded data in pursuit of a crime.)
  • Use non-trivial passwords and change often (12 characters, include letters, special characters, and numbers).
  • Protect their password and login information. (Users are responsible for all activities to and from their network accounts. Users must take every precaution to protect logins and passwords. Under no circumstances should a user allow someone else to share a network or email account.)
  • Respect school community members by not using or accessing another person’s email or network account in any way.
  • Recognise that posting or setting up an account, pretending to be someone other than themselves is identity theft and is taken very seriously.
  • Responsibly limit private information posted on public and social media sites. Students should know that information published on social media sites may impact their personal, and professional relationships, including jobs and educational opportunities.
  • Report any unauthorized access to your computer or personal data to the IT department.
  • Use their email accounts to identify themselves in all school-related communication.
  • Recognise that the network traffic, websites visited, and email is monitored for appropriate use and should have no expectation of privacy.
  • Respect the work, files, and accounts of others by agreeing not to change, delete or damage another person’s electronic work.
  • Respect other students by signing out of an abandoned open account.

With respect to technology resources and equipment, students and staff will:

  • Treat equipment well and report problems to their teachers and/or the IT department.
  • Use electronic resources only with a teacher’s permission.
  • Accept responsibility for the use of classroom and lab computers, use them responsibly to avoid damage, and assume responsibility for damage that may occur due to deliberate misuse.
  • Keep all food and drinks out of the computer labs and away from computers and electronic equipment.
  • Refrain from downloading and installing software on school computers without express permission from the IT department.
  • Refrain from monitoring network traffic or scanning devices connected to the network.
  • Refrain from trying to bypass the content filters and firewalls set up to protect the school.

With respect to intellectual property and copyright, students and staff will:

  • Refrain from uploading, downloading, or otherwise transmitting commercial software or any copyrighted materials belonging to parties outside of the school, or the school itself unless this download is covered or permitted under a commercial agreement or other such license.
  • Use only legally-obtained school approved software and media.
  • Properly cite all information, music, images, and videos used for school and personal purposes (see also the Academic Dishonesty Policy).

With respect to community and communication, students and staff will:

  • Use common sense and standards of decency when searching for content on the Internet.
  • Access only appropriate content/ web sites and report any accidental inappropriate, disturbing, or threatening content to their teacher. Intentionally visiting Internet sites that contain obscene, pornographic, hateful, or other objectionable materials is taken seriously.
  • Use their CMIS email accounts for all school business.
  • Check their accounts regularly and respond to messages in a timely manner.
  • Recognise that the school will directly access staff/student email accounts in the pursuit of an appropriately authorized legal or disciplinary investigation.
  • Recognise that email messages are treated as potential messages of the organization.
  • Save important emails and contacts when leaving CMIS. 
  • Refrain from excessive emails that are unrelated to school activities or that are for personal gain.
  • Keep standards of decency when accessing, viewing, and sending messages. (Do not send or receive any material that is obscene, pornographic, or defamatory or which is intended to annoy, harass, or intimidate another person.)
  • Use polite and appropriate language in email and other communication inside and outside of school. (Avoid the use of profanity or language which is offensive.)
  • Carefully screen their online friends and what information is shared.
  • Respect the school by not revealing or publicizing confidential or proprietary information which includes, but is not limited to financial information, databases and the information contained therein, computer network access codes, student information, and business relationships.
  • Refrain from sending or forwarding chain letters, spam, or joke emails.
  • Keep emails brief and use meaningful subject lines.
  • Re-read messages before sending to check for clarity and to make sure that they contain nothing which will embarrass the organization or make it liable.
  • Understand how to use - and don't mismanage - CC and BCC: only CC people that really need to receive the email.
  • Archive effectively - use folders and delete any messages that are no longer needed.
  • Avoid using email for sensitive or emotional messages or offensive content.
  • Take care in drafting emails, taking into account any form of discrimination, harassment, school representation, and defamation of data protection issues.
  • Alert the IT department upon receiving a message about a virus or worm. Most of these messages are known hoaxes and users should not propagate these messages.

Educational excellence in a caring Christian community that respects and celebrates diversity