CMIS features photos and videos in our CMIS Gallery and on our CMIS Social Media Platforms. Below are some recent highlights.
The National History Day Regional Competition has begun, with student projects from CMIS competing against other schools in the Southeast Asia region.
Every year, students choose topics for their NHD projects related to war. This year was no exception, and it provided some excellent projects. Two girls in grade 8 decided to take their interest in the Holocaust, something they learned about in their Social Studies class reading the graphic novel Maus, and the novel Night, into a documentary about how Hitler used propaganda to rise to power. Two other girls, also 8th graders, chose to examine the role of the carrier pigeon, and how it contributed to the history of warfare. If you want to know more, check out these awesome 10 minute documentaries produced by our students - but be aware, due to the nature of the topics, viewer discretion is advised.
Two more fantastic documentaries about war made the cut this year, and are now competing in Singapore at the National History Day regionals. In this second one, a grade 8 student created a documentary about Alan Turing and the Enigma machine. To learn more check out this great short film - but be aware, due to the nature of the topics, viewer discretion is advised.
- Mr. Cameron
Two more fantastic documentaries about war made the cut this year, and are now competing in Singapore at the National History Day regionals. In this first one, a grade 7 student analyzed a key, and often overlooked, event in the history of the atomic bombings of Japan. To learn more check out this great short film - but be aware, due to the nature of the topics, viewer discretion is advised.
- Mr. Cameron
For the first time in CMIS National History Day... history, students completed dramatic performances to share their learning. 4 brave groups decided to demonstrate all they learned through their research about their topics in a dramatic way, with 2 girls from 8th grade moving on to Regionals in Singapore. Please click on the link to watch them entertain you with information about Barbie, and how the doll perpetuates an unrealistic image of beauty.
Barbie Dramatic Performance
- Mr. Cameron
The High School Chemistry class explored factors affecting the rates of chemical reactions through a "clock reaction" in which a blue color is produced after reactants are mixed. By carefully adjusting the concentration of the reacting chemicals, the students could control the time when the blue color develops. This results in the color appearing in sequence as shown in the video.
- Mr. Graeme Ritchie
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Educational excellence in a caring Christian community that respects and celebrates diversity