Educational excellence in a caring Christian community that respects and celebrates diversity


CMIS offers two semesters in one academic school year. At the primary school level there are 2 reporting periods when report cards are sent home to families. At the MIddle/High School level grades are finalized after the close of each semester. We encourage students and parents to check their grade progress regularly through Powerschool.

Teachers use varying assessments to guide students' learning and determine proficiency in a standard. Assessments for learning (Formative) are used to help guide students learning as they practice and work towards mastery of a standard. Assessments of learning (Summative) are used to determine the level of proficiency of a standard. CMIS Assessment Policy  

Teachers use External Assessment results, along with the results of other assessments, in conjunction with in class assessments to determine whether students are achieving on, above, or below grade level. Students use these tests to track their learning and make learning goals. CMIS administers external assessments including: Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT), the Advanced Placement (AP) College Board exams, and Grades K-5 use the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) testing to assess reading comprehension. The Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) is administered twice a year (Fall and Spring) to students in Grade 2-9.

Educational excellence in a caring Christian community that respects and celebrates diversity