Educational excellence in a caring Christian community that respects and celebrates diversity

WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS – September 10, 2021

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School Events

  • See a full calendar of CMIS School Events here.

Athletic Events

  • All competitions begin after school unless otherwise noted.
  • See a full calendar of CMIS Athletic Events here.
  • See CMIS Athletic Practice Schedules here.
Recent Multimedia

CMIS Stories

CMIS features photos and videos in our CMIS Gallery and on our CMIS Social Media Platforms.  Below are some recent highlights.


SST (Student Success Team) would like to share helpful tips for students while online learning.
Tip #2: The Superhero Superpose
Twice a day, before lunch and after the final lesson, get up from your chair and stand tall like your favorite superhero! Hands on hips, chest out, back straight, legs strong. Breath deeply for 5-10 seconds - and then run around the room with your arms in front of you like Superman flying! Why? This will increase testosterone and decrease cortisol levels.
- SST Team
We are so glad to welcome Bake & Bite back to CMIS! Bake & Bite has been given a one-year contract to sell snacks at the CMIS snack shop. Since our campus is currently closed, Bake & Bite is offering a pre-ordering/delivery system for everyone to start enjoying now. You can follow the link below to see the menu.



In PreCalculus, students can work together on Jamboard to collaborate on how to use the mapping rule to transform functions. Students worked in small groups in their breakout rooms and we came together at the end to debrief the results. Hearing the students laugh and chat with one another was a highlight in Ms. Mark's math class.
- Ms. Mark
In my Grade 7 math class, the students worked in small groups to complete a table while they learned about proportional relationships. In my Grade 6 math class, the students worked together in small groups to solve a problem with equivalent ratios.
- Ms. Merritt
In music class, KG students practiced mindful listening. Students listened to music and gave space to their imagination.
- Ms. Karin
In Social Studies 10, we are beginning a unit on revolutions. Before exploring specific revolutions, we brainstormed questions about revolutions and recorded the ones we found most interesting or perplexing. As we progress to learn about specific revolutions, our questions will help us anaylze, discuss, and make sense of what we learn. We will make sure to add new ones throughout the course of the unit.
- Mr. McCarthy
The AP Biology class has made a great start to the year, with students already completing Unit 1 of the course. At the center of our progress are our workbooks which guide us through course content, providing the lecture notes, learning activities and other resources for effective learning. We're grateful to the people who enabled the distribution of these resources to the students. The picture shows our students with workbooks ready to start Unit 2.
- Dr. Graeme
The Counseling Team would like to share helpful tips for students and families while online learning.
Feeling worried? Is your mind racing? Try the 5-4-3-2-1 Rule! This will help you slow things down and focus on what is happening right now.
5- Name FIVE things you can SEE right now
4 - Name FOUR things you can FEEL right now
3 – Name THREE things you can HEAR right now
2 – Name TWO things you can SMELL right now

1 – Name ONE thing you can TASTE right now


Submission Information

To submit content to be considered for posting to the CMIS News and/or CMIS Social Media Platforms (facebook and YouTube), please email the below information to by noon on Wednesday of each week.

Please include the following:

  • Subject of email contains the phrase “CONTENT SUBMISSION”
  • Title of post
  • Write-up
    • 500-word maxium for CMIS Newsletter Blog posts
    • 3-5 sentences for CMIS Social Media Platform posts
  • Any relevant media content (images, logos, videos, PDF files, etc.)

Educational excellence in a caring Christian community that respects and celebrates diversity