Educational excellence in a caring Christian community that respects and celebrates diversity

English 11

English Language Arts
# Semesters
Credit Type
Successful Completion of English 10
Course Description

English 11 is a year-long course in which students focus on analyzing text, citing evidence, and responding critically about their learning. Students develop their ability to take ownership of their learning through goal-setting, reflection, independent text selection, and activities that allow them to collaborate with their peers as they experience foundational American literary texts and develop not only an understanding of the issues that inspired such texts, but also create an appreciation for differing perspectives to situations encountered in the students’ own lives. Following the Common Core Standards that focus on growth in writing, reading, and communication skills, this course uses the my Perspectives English Language Arts program which presents thematic units that incorporate whole-class, small-group, and independent learning. Themes include The Individual and Society, Power, Protest, and Change, Facing Our Fears, and Ordinary Lives: Extraordinary Tales. Writing activities include narrative, informative, and argument essays, while performance activities include storytelling, panel discussions, speeches, podcasts, and multimedia presentations. This course prepares students for success in English 12.

Educational excellence in a caring Christian community that respects and celebrates diversity