Students will learn a dance choreographed by the teacher to introduce and explore the 5 basic movements. Students will help build the dance by developing the movement using the four elements of dance.Student will apply knowledge and understanding to their own choreography, working in small groups and paying attention to the continuity of style and portrayal of the theme. Students teach the class their choreography with the help of the teacher. Students will perform the dance and evaluate the process and product to demonstrate and to improve their knowledge, understanding and skill. Students will further develop their knowledge, understanding and skill by choreographing a group dance. Students are responsible for choosing their music, accompaniment or percussion, props. structuring the dance and deciding upon a the means/or style. Students will explore movements and use different formations, levels, directions, pathways, canon ideas and dynamics to develop the movement and to portray their chosen theme/style. Students will polish the dance and decide upon costumes. Students will perform the dance and evaluate the process and product. Students will complete a research poster on a well known choreographer.
Course Description