Educational excellence in a caring Christian community that respects and celebrates diversity

Grade 8 Social Studies

# Semesters
Credit Type
Social Studies
Passing mark on grade 7 Social Studies content
Course Description

Grade 8 Social Studies is designed to introduce students to the global regions of Europe and Africa as well as the topic of Globalization. Students will learn and examine aspects associated with the history, geography, civics, and economics of European and African nations in addition to analyzing and forming a stance on the positive and negative attributes of globalization.  Throughout each unit, students will be challenged to create connections between the past and the modern-day and discuss the potential impact on their own lives.  A large portion of the first semester will also be dedicated to National History Day.  Students choose topics based on the yearly theme and their own interests, research their topic thoroughly, and create final products to demonstrate their learning.  Select students may even have the opportunity to showcase their projects at the South Asia regional competition. This course follows a modified version of the Georgia State Standards of Excellence for Social Studies.

Educational excellence in a caring Christian community that respects and celebrates diversity