CMIS features photos and videos in our CMIS Gallery and on our CMIS Social Media Platforms. Below are some recent highlights.
As a parent group, the PTG were delighted to bring the Christmas Community market last Saturday to CMIS. Hundreds gathered as we welcomed over 45 vendors to gather on campus and sell their Christmas goods. Locals from our community joined in the fun, shopping; within the kid’s zone which had Christmas crafts, a photo booth, games, and more; visiting the Santa photo booth; and twice hourly raffles to win amazing prizes. What a great way to end our first semester, and we are already excited to begin planning next year’s Christmas Market, which we hope to become an annual highlight in the wider Chiang Mai community calendar.
- PTG Leadership
More photos: counselling team held the last Higher Education Talks of 2022 on the topic of Studying Medicine in Thailand. We welcomed the medical lecturers from Princess Srisavangavadhana College of Medicine, Chulabhorn Royal Academy to talk about the college applications, the programme, the interview, and life as a medical student.
Please feel free to come by Ms. Aon's office to collect some available flyers if you are interested in learning more. We look forward to sharing even more talk topics with you next semester.
- Ms. Aon / Academic CoordinatorThe Elementary School Christmas concert was a success thanks to the hard work of Ms. Karin and all of the participating students. There was a beautiful sense of belonging and community as we celebrated the Christmas season together. Merry Christmas to all!Welcome back to school! We are excited to start the semester and look forward to all of the fun and learning that will happen in the months to come. Let's go Eagles!On Friday, January 6, new and returning students and families participated in the New Family Orientation. We are so happy to welcome our new community members to CMIS!Congratulations to 5 CMIS teachers who received full scholarships for the New Zealand Global Competence Certificate (NZGCC) program for Thai teachers. The teachers completed 20 modules of the Educator Global Competence Curriculum and received certificates by AFS Intercultural Programs and Massey University. This online program equips participants with essential global skills to become life-long learners and future leaders.The CMIS sweatshirt is being spotted all over campus! They are warm, comfortable, and allow us to express our school pride. You can purchase one in the school store. Let's go CMIS!
Submission Information
To submit content to be considered for posting to the CMIS News and/or CMIS Social Media Platforms (facebook and YouTube), please email the below information to by noon on Wednesday of each week.
Please include the following:
Subject of email contains the phrase “CONTENT SUBMISSION”
Title of post
500-word maximum for CMIS Newsletter Blog posts
3-5 sentences for CMIS Social Media Platform posts
Any relevant media content (images, logos, videos, PDF files, etc.)
Educational excellence in a caring Christian community that respects and celebrates diversity